Saturday, April 25, 2009

Placeholder: Big OIL is TOO big to exist

Monopoly divestment time

Blow away Exxon/Mobile and the other oligarchs.

We need to make sure that OIL no loner becomes a Commodity.

Before a certain point (unsure of date) people trading in oil contracts HAD to take DELIVERY of the oil.

This loophole, when removed is what allowed OIL to skyrocket, when thousands and thousands of contracts of ???billions?? of barrels of oil was kept OUT of the market, to
(what I characterize as an illegal 'cornering' of the oil market to ARTIFICIALLY drive the prices higher--Think Howard Hunt and the silver market in the 1970's, but successfully).

And to add insult to injury, in the mid-april issue of Fortune, (the electric car issue), they say to buy oil stocks.

Haven't they (Fortune?) screwed up enough?


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