Saturday, February 14, 2009

Re-Regulations Needed: MMT/OIL/Executive PAY

Here's a post on what I think needs to immediately be legislated for by congress to help our economy recover. This is in addition to the "economic stimulus" package.

  1. Re-establish the Glass-Stengel act (from 1st Depression, repealed in 1999).
  2. Re-regulate OIL to require people to actually take delivery of oil again. *
  3. Undo the strange financial things that were undone between 1980 and 2008. (yes, this is vague, but it includes repealing the Enron loophole, and many other things..more details will follow.
  4. The Minimum Millionaires Tax. A minimum of 1% of GROSS income per 1million dollars would be the Absolute Minimum due of individuals AND corporations.
  5. Executive compensation: Executives and Corporate "greed" must be reigned in. Corporate compensation must be limited to 20 TIMES the Salary of the lowest paid employee. To enforce this, the IRS should issue a new order (see here) where the excess compensation difference is taxed, and put towards universal health care!

* I strongly believe (imho...) that the ENTIRE cause of the Gas Price rise to $145/barrel was caused EXCLUSIVELY by speculators who just locked up the entire production of the world, and then were not required to sell it.


Anonymous said...

Anon. person says:
I agree that some of your ideas warrant further discussion, especially #2 and # 4. But on # 5 - did you ever read my email to you on that? I would like to know your reaction. Sometimes an idea is good because it raises an issue so that it can be debated. I agree that executive compensation should be a topic for review. But there are real problems in legislating a multiple.

Mark Brown said...

Hi Anon.
--got the last post where you said..."
(I need to) think about the logical implications of your proposal.
Honestly, remember that the highest union wage is lower than the person supervising them - otherwise, you would have someone earning more than their boss.
I know you don't think that's a big deal, but realistically, it is. So, if the first level of supervision is paid more than the union wage, then each level of management has to be paid more. Otherwise, no one would do the work. If you carry this throughout an organization, the multiple would be greater than 10. Honestly, think of the gross inefficiencies of many communist systems where there is no motivation, hence productivity, quality and customer service suffer.

---> and Mark responds with: <----
Here's my take on the multiple problem.

All works well (manager makes more the the worker bee), until you get to the executive ranks, where apparently reason is thrown to the wind.
The problems with over-paid, and over-incentivized(?) are true, but another problem is that the system (to loosely paraphrase Marx) is that the SYSTEM is screwed up.

or, quoting the better Marx, "I would never join a club that had me as a member"...

and the multiple of 20 times is what I did propose because 10 may be too inflexible...

And we really DO need to remember several things MY proposals include, LIKE

* a LIVING wage.. (not a new minimum wage...-see:

as well as Federally paid Health Care
Federally paid child care starting at 6 months (remember : Educational, not only for equality...)

and Some of these things might help our society re-focus from $$$ making to ???