Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Background: My sources, ideas, and influences

(modified 2-6-09& 2-11-09 & 3-21-09)
As one of the 'few' readers of my blog* asked, I will be happy to answer HERE:

3-21-09: Me be NPR-geek, see HERE--->>>
The headline there says, "

Smart People Really Do Think Faster

--2-11-09 -- earliest link (2 years ago, added at end...)

As an unnamed reader asked:
OK, here's my last comment about attribution: I know you've read a lot about the economic situation.

Your reading must have led you to some fundamental principles, some framework for understanding the situation.

That's what I think would give your writing more authority - to refer to the foundation of how you arrived at your position.

Then when you build your case, you need to provide the trail of logic that led you there, and the evidence - or your reading of economic trends and statistics. This can be done briefly - doesn't have to be a tome. But you do have to establish the logical framework.

First and foremost:

From whence do the ideas in this blog come from???
As I recently told a subscriber to my blog (amazing as it seems to me, I actually do have a small handful of readers), I started this
blog (2 years ago now!) because nobody anywhere had published (nary a word) on the :
future trends
possible problems
possible outcomes
possible solutions

of what I saw (to me at least) was plainly a financial mess, and most likely headed straight to a new (second) depression.

**update 2-7-09** I stand by my statement above that two years ago no one had seen this financial crisis coming (and that nothing was published about this). I read a great deal of publications on a regular basis, and saw nothing discussing this. Yes, since September, people have started to see some of what I saw two years ago.

I brainstormed and thought carefully about "WWFDRD" (what would FDR do?), and came up with a list of 12 simple (in theory) "Country-changing" program that would do exactly what the new deal did for the first depression.

Next: my Sources:
OK. I'm a 'NPR-Head' take away everything on the internet, and Radio except for NPR, and I could still survive.
I listen (and check the daily schedule for:

Brian Lehrer (WNYC)
Leonard Lopate (WNYC)
Tom Ashbrook (Onpoint)
Radio Times (WHYY)
and of course Fresh-AIR (Terri Gross)

Don't always listen... Don't always get on the air...


For the difficult part:

My influences:
I am a "visionary" without any portfolio (or base to do my prognostications from...)
[in other words, I have no economic training, yet I have economic ideas]

Here's the problem.
Like many other individuals with ADHD (or ADD), My brain is wired differently then many others in the world.

In my specific case, my brain goes so fast (I use the example of a train. 100 years ago trains went less then 60 miles per hour).

My mind is like a Japanese bullet train and goes about 220 miles per hour.

(In this example most brains go about 80 miles per hour..)

and perhaps my wife [of 30 years of training) can listen at about 140-160 miles per hour, and my family can understand about 100 miles per hour...

But my mind goes way way way too fast ....(even for my own good)

[as an example, I've come up with two different for-profit businesses, and one not-for profit business plans that could help in this time of economic troubles.**]

* I contend that my blog's consistent low readership, despite the valid ideas put forth, just prove that my ideas are WAY too advanced for our society (when presented).

** If only I had cash or money to invest, I'd love to develop EITHER of them as a living...

--------> 2-11-09 <---------- The earliest (published) statement of my beginning of my 'new-deal' proposal is HERE:

and I also posted it (on the Brian Lehrer show here:

1 comment:

Cheyanne said...

0 people commented and made you feel happy.

I'll be the first.

And I've RSS'ed your blog, so you should feel doubly happy.

Pay no mind to the naysayers who need constant reassurance with numbers that lie. They are making the current debacle look better than it is on paper. If the unemployment rate is 10% add another 10% to that because they do not factor in the people who do not collect unemployment because it ran out.