Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Detroit -- A restatement of the OBVIOUS

OK. Previously I stated that the AUTOMOBILE industry is Dead. Totally dead.
Or maybe you want to see where I said it HERE, which starts out, "
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—
Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
And whether pigs have wings.
And Boy oh Boy,do the PIGS in Detroit have HUGE WINGS!

and boy, oh boy, I hear the wings are SO SO big, they're ALREADY complaining that the new Obama administration rules will kill them (see NYTimes HERE) -less then one hour ago in TODAY's issue...

As I said in the FIRST post above (here again)

I believe:

We are asking conflicting (and also the wrong) questions about the current Auto industry Crisis.

Why are we bailing out the Automobile Industry?
Answer 1: Because we want the US Automobile Industry to be Healthy and self supporting?

Answer 2: Because we want the manufacturing capacity of our country to remain intact.

Answer 3: Because we want the manufacturing capacity of the country to remain intact AND we want the Detroit companies to RETRAIN their workers into GREEN and Productive new industries.

Answer 4: Because we want to throw money at a dying industry, so that their employees can then get unemployment.

The correct Answer for OUR COUNTRY? 2.
Because we don't want to lose the MANUFACTURING capacity of OUR COUNTRY...

But see the post for a DETAILED analysis of WHY we want this.


if we PUSH/SHOVE/Drag (kicking and SCREAMIN) the AUTO industry and MAKE it the TRANSPORTATION
Industry (SEE HERE) THEN
we can SAVE the JOBS from the FORMER AUTO industry AND
also TURN the country green.

Bottom line answer for Detroit?

Yes. You're Right. We WANT to kill the car.

Yes, you can still make (and TRY and sell)
ONE small car,
ONE Pickup Truck

but the REST of your production capacity MUST become GREEN, and become JOBS for PUBLIC transportation and INFRASTRUCTURE.

and rest assurred, it ISNT only the Detroit Auto industry that's dead and buried today.
It's NOW a WORLD-WIDE funeral.

And the rest of the world will eventually get the reason why we need to save the jobs too, but then it will be too late to save the MANUFACTURING base of the United States of America.

Take that and put it in your Peace Pipe before it's too late!!

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