Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Open letter (prelude to an op-ed!)

Dear Friends:

I'm writing this letter to you because I need help. No, not money, but a little bit of your time. For those of you who know me personally, you may remember when I started my second blog almost two years ago.

For those who don't know me, a brief history is in order. I realized over two years ago that our country was about to head into another "great" depression. I wondered what steps would Franklin Delano Roosevelt take if he were in charge, to lead us out of this huge morass. From this thinking I came up with the eleven points that are discussed in my blog (

Some of these steps have already been taken, and some have been discussed by our next president as items he fervently believed in. I believe of my eleven proposals, 9 or 10 have either been covered or are in President Elect Obama's agenda.

My wife asked me the day after the election if I had any more predictions and the next day I realized I did. Before I share this with you, I want to talk about time frames. When I first realized that a huge financial crisis was coming, I didn't have a timeframe for it, and because of this, publicizing it wasn't critical. This is why I am asking for your help. The crisis we face, and my current proposal to deal with it is extremely time sensitive.

What I realized the day after the election was simply that the American auto industry is dead. Unfortunately, according to several different estimates, there are between one and three MILLION jobs (and some say as many as 10% of our entire economy) directly and indirectly related to the automobile industry in our country.

Can our country in its current economic conditions allow Detroit to die? No. But, and I believe this is my unique contribution and solution to this problem by assisting the Detroit car companies to survive.

In the big picture, the automobile industry in our country must die. Not because of the inefficiencies of the car companies, or because of poor management, or pushing inefficient models on us, but because it is not a green industry, and must change, or more accurately BE FORCED TO CHANGE, for it's own good.

This is my vision. Yes, the Government will save the big three automobile makers, but they will essentially stop making gas guzzling individual transportation machines, and instead become makers of mass transit, similar to the ones that used to exist in every single city and town in America until politics, intrigue, and perhaps collusion destroyed or purchased and closed them.

I am talking about light rail or trolleys/streetcars. The big three auto makers will become the new green mass transit for our new century.

How? Very simple. The new government loan program must indicate that the funds are to be used to retain workers, retrain and retool their manufacturing and assembly lines to make efficient mass transit.

So where do you come in? That's easy. I am asking you to help me publicize this, and demand that Detroit become responsible for some of the destruction they've created over the years by finally making good, and going after the new mass transit market.
How you ask? Very simple. One of the two proposals of mine that have not been discussed is a cross between an infrastructure project and a energy project, because it involves building NEW rail lines down the center (or side) of EVERY single major (interstate) highway in the country. These new lines will move tractor trailers (and cabs) from the beginning of the road, to the end (or whatever exit they are going to). A great deal of traffic and gas can be moved from the highways to these special freight lines, and would save a great deal of gas and time.

Your job? Please forward this message to anyone you feel might be of assistance, such as government leaders, mayors, governors, magazines, or newspapers (radio or TV), or even presidents.

Again, the reason I am asking for your help is that there is NO time to delay. Proposals to save Detroit will be coming in front of congress in the next several weeks. Unlike my original belief in the ability of "another" new deal to rescue the country, rescuing the car companies as they are today will help NO ONE.

Some other reasons to help save the industry.

1)The downstream jobs will also change, but they too will have a chance to survive and actually grow new "Green" jobs.
2)Making Detroit change its 'evil ways' will reduce our carbon emissions and give the country a viable way to make better mass transit available.
3)Just giving Detroit ca$h will do nothing except buy them more time.
4)The infrastructure required, including engineering, construction and manufacturing will help bring the entire country OUT of this recession, without cutting major sources of jobs.
5)This new infrastructure will help cities and states with the unemployed and those needing training.

Thanks again for your assistance.

PS: All I ask is that when you forward this message, you include all of it.

Mark Brown in NJ

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