Thursday, November 6, 2008

A New "New Deal", I'm vindicated!

Amazing. Terri Gross on her NRP show,FRESHAir had Robert Kuttner on today.
Amazing, after nearly TWO years of saying it, I am no longer a minority voice, but now in the mainstream.

In Much better effect than I could have, Mr. Kuttner explains why:

  • We need a HUGE investment in Infrastructure to repair our society
  • This will also benefit by working to help retraining and retooling workers
  • We need to 'make public' (or start to FEDERALLY pay for DAY care for our children--To EDUCATE them ALL!)
  • Why we can afford it

  • * Why this unique opportunity for Transformation for Obama, has happened only a few times to only a few presidents previously.
    • (Lincoln, Johnson, FDR{of course!}

Yes, we CAN!

I say that we need to do it ALL!

One of his key points is that our young and old both currently get care that is NOT the best that can be provided today.
Because we are just trying to get day care, and can't pay for it it is NOT an optimal place to help get our children an education,
but unfortunately just a place to PARK the kids, while we go to work.

He very loudly calls for professionalizing these two professions.

He Misses ONE KEY point

Undoing the Cheney memorial contractor army, that he created when he was the Sec'y of Defense.
To do this, we need a new national draft
either 17 or graduating High School, whichever comes LAST.

The Draft would last 3-4 years, and would differ if the person were attending college/higher education or just working.

College/Higher Education bound folks would do their mandatory service in groups with their school, during organized breaks.
Non College bound would do it after High School and use it as job training.

Two different career paths would exist, both military, and a new national service corp.

There would be NO exemptions or deferments. Either military or service to our country . No exemptions for politicians either!

It's Crucial for our society!

please comment!


cindy25 said...

Congress shall make no law imposing slavery or involuntary servitude.

Mark Brown said...

Thanks for the comment, says the guy without any comments.

However, mandatory conscription is not slavery, and has been imposed (I think) at least 3 times previously in our country...)

And the reasons for a mandatory draft (job training, a infrastructure project for our country), as well as UNDoING the Dick Cheney Private (contractor) army, is WELL worth the cost.

NO one will be forced to take up arms, either Military OR service to their country.
And both would lead to potential full time (permanent) employment.

cindy25 said...

its still involuntary servitude