Monday, September 15, 2008

Topic of Week: The Mandatory Draft

Previously (here), I wrote that:

We need a new DRAFT in our country to UNDO The PRIVATE Army that was created by
Dick Cheney (when HE was the Secretary of Defense under BUSH 41).

His plan took support staff, such as drivers, cooks, laundry workers, and OUTSourced the jobs FROM the army and gave them to private corporations.

This seemed to work well during peace, but has led to problems during the BUSH IRAQ Fiasco.
Problems such as armed contractors protecting diplomats, gross understatement of Troop Needs, etc.
  • Because we aren't counting any of the "Private" contractors, we only have 140 thousand soldiers in Iraq.
    • BUT there are another 100,000 contractors there, that do support services, that USED to be done by the army itself (food, laundry, drivers, security etc).
  • Because Dick Cheney became the CEO of Halliburton, Inc. (a HUGE military contractor and recipient of contracts, It is questionable if this was done deliberately or not.

Instead of this, we need to UNDO this private army, hence a NATIONAL program of MANDATORY CONSCRIPTION (and service) for ALL youth 17 or older (or High School graduates) whichever comes later.

Purpose of Conscription:
  1. Eliminate the Private contractor army.
  2. Concrete Job Training, in both military and non-military options.
  3. A Concentrated period of Training to allow youth to become "community oriented"
  4. Re-education and training for those that may be prone to under-employment.

  1. HS Graduates, or those over 17 will have a choice of traditional Military, or alternative Service.
    1. Military Service: First year basic grunt work, then advanced training
    2. Alternative Service: Similar to Peace Corp, but Entirely in United States.
  2. College vs. Non-College bound students:
    • Service time will be performed differently, but both are PAID positions.
      • In stages for college students, (or other Higher Ed students)
        • Service will be performed in groups with their classmates.
        • Service will be scheduled in co-ordination with school breaks.
      • Immediately after High School for those not continuing their education.
        • Service will take groups from community into a new location.
        • Service will be performed sequentially.

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