Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8-26-08: VP Prediction: The McCain bombshell

J'accuse (or actually PREDICT)

John McCain will be making this Obama's campaign to lose.

Footnote: I am a solid Democrat, NOT a republican.

McCain will become UNBEATABLE

when he nominates Senator Joseph Lieberman as his VICE president.

You Heard it here... (and I've postponed putting it up 2 weeks already)

Update: 9/2/08

Obviously I was wrong. But not by much.

Political scuttlebutt during the Republican Convention says Lieberman was his FIRST choice for Veep.

But he would have alienated a great deal of the party conservatives.
My statement still stands, he would have wiped the democrats away with that choice.

I just don't know if Sarah Palin will REALLY sweep in all the Hilary voters.

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