Friday, July 4, 2008

The Mandatory Draft: Alternative Service Option

A new Mandatory draft will be established, graduating HS Seniors or those 17 (whichever comes later) will start to be required to provide service to our country. Service can be either traditional military service, or a new alternative US service, similar to the current peace corps.

The Mandatory Draft will serve several major purposes:
1) The first step will serve to start to undo the privatized army, and to use the first year recruits for KP and support functions, to help remove the current army of contractors.

2) This will also help to train our youth that service is a noble cause, and should be a normal part of our society.

3) This mandatory service component will help our society by taking a segment of society that is under-employed and prone to crime and under achievement, and give them firm and salable skills that will be usable when they have completed the program.

The program will work in different ways, depending on if the person is going to go to College (or trade/vocational school), or is just starting to look for work.

For graduates (or those who have dropped out of High School), this mandatory service will occur before trade or vocational school, and will be job oriented.

Trainees will be taken out of their home environment (neighborhood), in order to be exposed to different cultures, ways of life, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Potential Example
A group of 30 graduates from a particular school may be mixed with 3 other groups from different areas, and transported to an inner city neighborhood.

These 120 trainees will be divided into different teams, and given what I will still call "basic training". This basic training will include overviews of different projects, parts of the community, as well as different jobs that are needed to be performed.

Trainees will be given overviews of each job, as well as a several hour "trial" of each of the jobs that are available. These trials are designed to help people get the best possible job experience and match for their desires and skills.

Our example group may include those interested in teaching, learning skilled trades, as well as those undecided about their future. Skills that will be emphasized in inner cities will include training and education in:
  • Child care
  • Early childhood development and education
  • Family Training/Facilitator training
  • Skilled Trades; hands on and classroom training in:
    • Plumbing/Heating (HVAC)
    • Electrical Work
    • Sheet Rock
    • Basic Construction and Repairs
  • Computer Basics;

  • For those attending college, their service will be provided during school summer breaks. This service repayment will also be a partial

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