Saturday, February 23, 2008

Proposal: Transportation/iNFRASTRUCTURE

A total rebuilding and re-dedication of our workers using a Work projects administration type group will be required to re-do the roads in our country.

Dwight Eisenhower did a great job, but we will revisit the national highway system and do fresh investment incorporating freight (train) transportation, as well as commuter or light rail lines

All existing highways will be retrofitted by the new infrastructure corps, to have a freight rail line and a commuter or light rail line.

The freight line will be capable of loading trucks at the beginning of the highway, and delivering them without any diesel gas used to the end of the highway (or anywhere in between)

Commuter lines will interconnect and interchange.

The jobs and positions for these construction jobs will be from training/draft, as well from infrastucture agency, and will also serve as on the job training/job training for unemployed (at living wages!)

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