Thursday, February 7, 2008

Proposal: Training/Service

Proposal S1: A_Draft
A new three year mandatory military OR service period will be inaugurated, starting at age seventeen or after High School.
  • S1(a) The Privitatzation of America's Armed Services by Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. These failed Secretaries of Defense started a deliberate and premeditated scheme to funnel many jobs and dollars from the army to private contractors.
This proposal will undo the hiring of contractors to do laundry, cooking, etc, and will require additional recruits (thus the three years, for including basic training


Mark Brown said...

Some comments and things that would be expected: In Service corps:


I have a concept. besides a new mandatory draft (after HS graduation , or 17 whichever occurs last!)

We would take these kids, give them a few weeks basic training (life's how to's like)

* Why animals don't eat where they make..
(and why teenagers shouldn't either...)(for the humor impaired, we're talking about why no dating(or more) other members of YOUR group.

* how to survive in a foreign town, (if you're from a suburb), or in the country if from the city
* how to make sure your bling-bling doesn't make you a target.
*Sex-ed in brief, and why the abstinence method is Really best when you're in service to your country...

Essentially all the stuff we try and stuff in our children's hearts, but currently gets ignored.

Once the basic training is done, they go in co-ed groups either into or out of the cities (opposite of where they are from)
and either help in the city (teach/mentor/clean-up/build, etc)
or in the country- to start rebuilding infrastructure.

Some key points to discuss are:
Training given in basic training..
(for in city: homesteading/repairs/
mentoring skills, self defense classes,

Advanced training for people commiting to more years.

* and of course discussing paychecks,
and budgeting, and how to balance a check book

Mark Brown said...

Regarding the (now ) private army.
We currently have over 150,000 soldiers in Iraq. We also have over 100,000 PRIVATE contractors in Iraq.
These contractors provide laundry, canteen/food/driving, etc.

These positions will be back-filled with the new 17-20 year old mandatory military recruits.

They will be given a standard military basic training, and an additional war/sniper/insurgent training, so that they can immediately be deployed (as example) as cooks and laundry people overseas.

Even a cook, as we can see in Iraq, needs to understand and be able to fire a weapon/drive and protect themselves and their comrades.

It would be suggested that (as an example) chores be staggered, and alternated, to make the monotony of doing laundry all day might make some go crazy.

(Drive one day, laundry another, kitchen work another..etc)