Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Proposal: Draft and Reclaiming the Army from the Corporations

A new minimum three year draft of military or NON-MILITARY service will be instituted to all HS Graduates/over 18 (whichever comes last).

No hardship or exemptions at all.

Either the person will go into the existing US armed forces or the new USA service Corps.

We will (despite what the politicians claim) have at least 50-100 thousand troops in IRAQ for the next fifty years thanks to the current President.

The current Vice President, and former Defense Secretary are responsible for the "downsizing" and privatization of the army because of actions they both undertook in the 1990's.

This private contractor army (laundry/food/transportation/etc) MUST be stopped, and all services restored to the original raw recruit.... As such, kitchen patrol, etc will become one of the new hallmarks of service in the military.

The three year period is a compromise to help the army get some usage of their training from the recruits, besides their alternative role of support people.

Proposal: Military:
When drafted, three year (full-time) service with a commitment for 10 years (minimum) of reserve service. Guaranteed benefits, and job upgrades if you commit to longer periods of time. Career options (as today) are still encouraged.

Draftees who choose for the three year period will function primary as support personnel (drivers/food/laundry/etc) with some advanced training for self defense/etc.

Reserves will be similar to current national guard (or Israel Army reserve). 2 weeks a year active, and one weekend a month. Pay will similar to the full time service granted. Eventually the 10 years will become 20 years, after the first generation, so that as the kids grow up, they will be used to the reserve forces.

Proposal: Service Corps:
A new US only service corp will be also established at this time as an alternative to military service. It will be a foundation for the new version of the WPA/training corps.
basic training
* living away from home
* living with mixed sexes
* living in the city/suburbs

duties as example: teaching (computers/music/daycare training/whatever) in inner cities.
Inner city youth go to suburbs/building -infrastructure program
Suburb kids go to inner city for training.

Signing up for more time gets advanced career training. Just like West Point, a training academy will be established for engineering, math, and other needed fields.

And, various career paths will also exist.

Both Military and Service corps will serve as a method to help train our future youth in NECESSARY (non retail...) jobs, such as construction, teaching, and other fields.

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